hi, i'm allegra!

As a Registered Dietitian, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Postpartum Doula, and fellow mom, I am passionate about helping moms thrive postpartum. I want you to feel confident about breastfeeding and your overall health. 

Pumping Tips and Tricks

Breast pumping can be a game-changer for many new mothers, offering flexibility and convenience when it comes to providing breast milk for their babies. Whether you’re returning to work, sharing feeding responsibilities, or simply seeking a bit of freedom, knowing how to pump effectively can make a significant difference in your breastfeeding journey. Here are some tips and tricks to help you pump like a pro.

Pumping Tips

1. Find the Right Fit:

A proper fit is crucial for effective pumping. Check that your breast shields (flanges) fit comfortably and ensure your nipple is centered. Using the wrong size can cause discomfort and reduce milk flow.

2. Create a Relaxing Environment:

Relaxation can significantly impact your milk supply. Find a quiet, comfortable spot to pump where you can unwind. Consider bringing a photo or recording of your baby’s sounds to stimulate a let-down reflex.

3. Establish a Pumping Schedule:

Consistency is key. Try to pump at the same times each day to establish a routine. This helps your body recognize when to produce milk and can lead to increased milk supply.

4. Hands-On Pumping Techniques:

Complement your pump with hands-on techniques like breast massage or compression. This can help empty the breasts more effectively and stimulate milk production.

5. Stay Hydrated and Well-Nourished:

Drinking plenty of water and maintaining a balanced diet can positively impact your milk supply. Hydration is key, so keep a water bottle handy during your pumping sessions.

6. Relax and Stay Stress-Free:

Stress can hinder your milk production. Practice deep breathing or gentle meditation during pumping to reduce stress levels and enhance milk flow.

7. Hands-Free Pumping Bras:

Invest in hands-free pumping bras to make multitasking easier while pumping. They allow you to read, work, or simply relax during your sessions.

8. Storage and Labeling:

Properly label and store pumped milk in breast milk storage bags or containers. Follow guidelines for refrigeration or freezing to ensure the milk remains safe for your baby.

9. Seek Support:

Don’t hesitate to reach out to lactation consultants, support groups, or online communities for advice and encouragement. Breastfeeding and pumping can be challenging, but you’re not alone in your journey.

10. Be Patient and Kind to Yourself:

Remember, every mother’s breastfeeding journey is unique. Some days may be more productive than others, and that’s perfectly normal. Be patient and kind to yourself as you navigate the world of pumping.


Breast pumping can empower mothers to continue providing their babies with the many benefits of breast milk while maintaining flexibility in their daily lives. With the right equipment, techniques, and mindset, you can pump like a pro and make the most of your breastfeeding journey. Keep these tips and tricks in mind as you embark on your pumping adventure, and don’t forget to seek support and guidance when needed. Your commitment to providing the best nutrition for your baby is commendable, and you’ve got this!

If you’re returning to work soon, check out my course to help you prepare: https://www.aloha-nutrition.com/returning-to-work/

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