hi, i'm allegra!

As a Registered Dietitian, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Postpartum Doula, and fellow mom, I am passionate about helping moms thrive postpartum. I want you to feel confident about breastfeeding and your overall health. 

The Benefits of baby wearing

Hey there mommas and mommas to be,

I have a special blog post this week from a friend of mine – Courtney Caranguian of Wearing and Caring. Her job is pretty awesome. She is a Certified Babywearing Educator which I never  knew was a thing, until recently. It’s so needed nowadays, especially with so many companies developing baby carriers and wraps, you want to make sure that you’re getting the right one for you. Courtney started her business 5 years ago after becoming certified in baby wearing and has helped many mothers find a wrap/carrier that works for them, giving them confidence and support to carry their baby comfortably.

Read onward to learn more about babywearing and its benefits

Babywearing: The Act of Using a Baby Carrier to Hold Your Baby

Babywearing has been a huge blessing in my life. My children and myself have reaped some of the benefits of babywearing. From bonding with my children to being able to multitask, babywearing has allowed me to be more present as a parent and get out of the house a bit easier. I personally knew I wanted to be as close to my baby/ies as much as possible and be more hands free. That’s what got me into babywearing: functionality. I believe other caregivers can relate about wanting functionality in life and if a baby carrier will be that tool to make life smoother then we are going to use it.

Types of Carriers

There are five main types of carriers.

  1. Soft Structured Carriers
  2. Harness Carriers
  3. Meh Dai’s
  4. Ring Slings
  5. and Wraps (stretchy and woven).

Each type of carrier has its own set of learning curve. Doing research on how they are used should help you figure out if it’s functional for you and or your partner. Do know that the carrier you decide upon may work out wonderfully, or, it may not. Be open to learning and exploring your options. Try out a different brand or type of carrier to find the right match.

Bonding with Baby

Keeping your baby close is one of the best ways to learn their cues. Since babies can’t talk, their sounds or movements help you know what they need. Mothers, especially, are their babies natural habitat so it should make sense that when wearing your baby you are helping to keep them closer to their natural habitat. Maybe you have heard about Kangaroo Care or skin-to-skin; Kangaroo Care has much research behind it and it is proven to benefit the mother and baby, helping them bond. Although babywearing is not Kangaroo Care, it can help facilitate Kangaroo Care if you decide to wear your baby skin-to-skin. I believe babywearing is the next best thing to help caregivers bond with their babies.

Continuing on, it is known that humans thrive with touch and babies especially thrive with touch. Touch is one of the first senses they experience and learn from. Therefore thinking about Kangaroo Care and how skin-to-skin is using touch, when you are wearing your baby you are also using touch.

Hands Free

It’s funny how we are talking so much about touch when babywearing actually frees up your hands quite a bit. However our arms are free too because when you’re using a carrier of any type you are quite literally freeing your arms of holding the baby and allowing your hands to hold and do the other things you need to do. If you’ve never held a baby then try holding a 10lb bag of rice for an hour…then try using a carrier to hold this bag of rice…you’ll mainly understand the benefits of babywearing if you do this. You’ll understand the functionality of babywearing.


Functionality is what babywearing is about. For some, babywearing is also for survival. There are many benefits of babywearing and each caregiver will reap their own set of benefits. Don’t ever be afraid to explore your baby carrier choices and learn how or if babywearing fits in your life. As a caregiver to caregiver I applaud you for doing your best; keep doing your best.

*If you’re interested in a babywearing consultation please contact Courtney at wearingandcaring@gmail.com and mention the “Benefits of Babywearing Blog” for a $5 coupon.*

2 Responses

  1. I agree..there are many benefits of babywearing. I particularly love it due to the convenience it gives the mother especially during those fussy evenings when the baby just wants to be carried around yet you have to prepare dinner for the family.

    1. Yes totally agree! It’s really a lifesaver, especially when you have other kids or just a house to run. Thanks for your comment!

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